Floats, Marching Bands & People Walking

Floats must enter off of hwy. 49 onto School Dr. then you will be directed where to line up, any groups walking that will need to be dropped off can park in the (#5) area and walk over to the float area, (#2) where you will be lined up along with the floats.

Special Note:  This year to help ease congestion in town we would like for anyone pulling floats to proceed on past Brahm Trucking and turn around at the old hwy.49 loop next to Frogtown Rd. if you feel it would be safer for you and or your riders you are still welcome to turn around at Brahm Trucking just do what you feel is the safest
Release of Liability
"must have"
please print and complete, turn in upon signing in that night
Parade Rules
Print your Parade line up map
Print your copy of the line up instructions, just click on the file below